Board Member Application
Overview of a SLAM Board Member
SLAM's Mission Statement: To promote the arts and art education in the state in a manner that enriches and involves the community.
We strive to comprise a Board of involved individuals, from diverse backgrounds, with vision & commitment, who are willing to work cooperatively & effectively to contribute their talents & resources for the good of the organization. The SLAM Board is governed by bylaws established and approved by the Board. At anytime, through the guidance & vote of the Board, these bylaws can be amended and changed.
Please consider the following individual board member responsibilities when submitting your application:
• Attend meetings regularly and show commitment to all board activities
• Be well informed on issues and agenda items in advance of meetings
• Contribute skills, knowledge & experience when appropriate
• Listen carefully to fellow Board members
• Chair 1 or more ad-hoc committee
• Engage in Board activities, including fundraising
• Positively represent & promote SLAM within the community
• Avoid conflict of interest & always make decisions based on the best interest of SLAM
• Make an annual financial contribution to SLAMExpected meeting and festival attendance:
• Attend scheduled monthly Board meetings. (Approx. once a month throughout the year) Attending not less than 80% of the meetings without missing 2 consecutively.
• Direct, co-ordinate & attend all ad-hoc committee meetings you Chair or help with. These are separate from monthly Board meetings.
• Attend & participate in the planning of and follow-through of festivals, and fundraising/promotional events.
• In the event you can not attend a scheduled Board meeting, you must contact one of the Directors to inform them of your absence and e-mail them any developments, committee or otherwise, prior to the meeting so that it may be shared with the Board.